Ruby Documentation of Runtime Library and Gestalt Items

Manual Pages

Table of Contents

1. License
2. Basic Templates
Rtl_scrollwin — Create and manipulate rtl_scrollwin windows
Rtl_gridwin — Create and manipulate rtl_gridwin windows
3. Listbox and Tree Templates
Rtl_combobox — Create and manipulate rtl_combobox windows
Rtl_mlistbox — Create and manipulate rtl_mlistbox windows
Gistbox — Create and manipulate gistbox windows
Rtl_tree — Create and manipulate rtl_tree windows
4. Toolbar Templates
Goolbar — Create and manipulate goolbar windows
Galette — Create and manipulate galette windows
Gooleditor — Create and manipulate gooleditor windows
Rtl_symbolbar — Create and manipulate rtl_symbolbar windows
Rtl_symbolbarcustomize — Create and manipulate rtl_symbolbarcustomize windows
Rtl_customize — Create and manipulate rtl_customize windows
5. Dialog Templates
Rtl_shell — Create and manipulate rtl_shell windows
Rtl_chooseFont — Create and manipulate rtl_chooseFont windows
Rtl_makeFont — Create and manipulate rtl_makeFont windows
6. Design Templates
Gstripes — Create and manipulate gstripes windows
Rtl_tabset — Create and manipulate rtl_tabset windows
Rtl_statusbar — Create and manipulate rtl_statusbar windows
7. Other Templates
Rtl_preferences — Create and manipulate rtl_preferences windows
Rtl_decoratedFrame — Create and manipulate rtl_decoratedFrame windows
Rtl_spinbox — Create and manipulate rtl_spinbox windows
Rtl_symbutton — Create and manipulate rtl_symbutton windows

List of Figures

3.1. rtl_mlistbox using hugelist
3.2. Gistbox
3.3. rtl_tree
4.1. Goolbar: Normal, Selection, Active, Focus
4.2. Goolbar: »Working« Active, Focus and Selected
4.3. Goolbar: »Generate« Disabled
4.4. Gooleditor
5.1. rtl_shell
6.1. rtl_tabset

List of Examples

2.1. Rtl_scrollwin -fill
3.1. gistbox uses Rtl_mlistbox
3.2. Rtl_mlistbox uses Hugelist
3.3. Listbox Dimensions
3.4. »-selectcommand« Signature
3.5. gistbox uses Rtl_mlistbox
3.6. Rtl_mlistbox uses Hugelist
3.7. Using Sort
3.8. Standard »+« Command
3.9. Standard »-« Command
3.10. Notify after modifications
3.11. gistbox uses Rtl_mlistbox
3.12. Rtl_mlistbox uses Hugelist
3.13. Single Entry Property
3.14. Rtl_tree Char Transformation
3.15. »-selectfcn« Signature
3.16. »-openfcn« Signature
3.17. »-dragfcn« Signature
3.18. Substituting Images with Glyphs
3.19. Rebuild
4.1. Implicit Visible Items
4.2. Explicit Visible Items
4.3. Hide Toolbar
4.4. Calling a Gooleditor
4.5. activeforeground inside of a vector ...«
4.6. ...focus-ring management inside of a vector ...
4.7. Using add of goolbar
4.8. Implicit Visible Items
4.9. Explicit Visible Items
5.1. Local Prompt
6.1. Use nilstripes for high Performance
6.2. An adjustCommand for Rtl_gridwin
6.3. Indicators
6.4. Rtl_tabset -show
6.5. focusframe inside »gtabset«