Copyright © 2008, 2009 Arndt Roger Schneider
The command item behaves in the same fashion a push button does. The »activeForeground« is displayed while the first mouse button is clicked on its caption or icon. The icon will not normally partake in active colour changes.
In addition, the icon and caption are moved slightly to the right and down; giving the impression of a depressed state.
The assigned »command« is executed after the first mouse button was released on the command’s premises.
A checkbutton looks similar to a command, but is layered on top of a rectangle. The colour of the used rectangle is specified through the Goolbar »-selectColor« property. In their inactive state radiobutton and checkbutton look entirely the same as a command. The toolbar does act as white space ; again identical to a menu, where all the elements except their indicators fade into the white space created by the menu window.
Otherwise, the Checkbutton behaves and looks identical to Command.
The Radiobutton is visually identical to a Checkbutton.