Copyright © 2008, 2009 Arndt Roger Schneider
The canvas variety is used inside of Goolbars, and more importantly inside the Gooleditor. The Gooleditor can’t be used for TkZinc 3.3.6 based vectors.
Using the Gooleditor with a Zoolbar has other somewhat strange effects –at least under AQUA®– the Zoolbar remains on-top of the Gooleditor. The result of this is very close to the original AQUA® toolbars.
Both TkZinc 3.3.6 and canvas support embedded windows. This is the way how any kind of control can be embedded inside a toolbar. Use a the section called “The »Template« Way” as the root for such embedded windows. This way, you may also take advantage of Gstripes, too.
Example 7.11. Windows Embedded in Tk Canvas
canvas .c .c create window 1 1 \ -window [button .c.b -text "Canvas embedded"]
Note: canvas does not know »groups«, whereas a TkZinc 3.3.6 window always requires a group. There is a group »1« automatically created by a TkZinc 3.3.6 window. Avoid putting items directly under the root group (1). The root group has some special features.
TkZinc 3.3.6 maintains a viewport for each objects, this allows commutative transformation on the same object. Under Scalable Vector Graphics a new viewport must be created to reach the same ability. For better Scalable Vector Graphics support use only a single transformation type on a TkZinc 3.3.6 object and apply the other transformations on the containing group.