Window-specific Options

Command-Line Name: -window, Database Name: window, Database Class; -

A valid Tk Window. This »window« can be a a plain or composite window, too.

Command-Line Name: -auto, Database Name: auto, Database Class; -

Set auto scrollbar insertion for this window.

Possible values are: »x«, »y«, »yes«, »1«, »no«, »0« and »none«.

The attached Scrollbars are auto-inserted, according to the value of »-auto«.

Command-Line Name: -fill, Database Name: fill, Database Class; -

Set scrollbar fill insertion mode.

Possible values are »x«, »y«, »both« and »none«.

Command-Line Name: -sides, Database Name: sides, Database Class; -

Set where the scrollbars are inserted.

Possible values are: »top«, »bottom«, »left«, »right« and combinations thereof.

Command-Line Name: -scrollborderwidth, Database Name: scrollBorderWidth, Database Class; -

border width of the contained scrollbars. See also »-scrollrelief«.

Command-Line Name: -elementborderwidth, Database Name: elementBorderWidth, Database Class; BorderWidth

Specifies the width of borders drawn around the internal elements of the scrollbar (the two arrows and the slider). The value may have any of the forms acceptable to Tk_GetPixels . If this value is less then zero, the value of the borderWidth option is used in its place.

Command-Line Name: -scrollhighlightthickness, Database Name: scrollhighlightthickness, Database Class: -


Command-Line Name: -scrollrelief, Database Name: scrollRelief, Database Class; -

The contained scrollbar’s inactive relief.

Command-Line Name: -scrollwidth, Database Name: scrollWidth, Database Class; -

The scrollbar’s width dimension.

Command-Line Name: -pad, Database Name: pad, Database Class; -

Extra white space between the internal windows; both client and scrollbars and the outer border.

Under AQUA® pad is 0; under other platforms 2p.

Command-Line Name: -autohide, Database Name: autoHide, Database Class; -

Controls the response to <enter> and <leave> events. If »-autohide« is set the attached scrollbars vanish, when the cursor leaves the client window.

Boolean value »0« or »1«.