Copyright © 2008, 2009 Arndt Roger Schneider
A valid Tcl-Interpreter. This interpreter must be
created through interp create
The current Tcl-Interpreter is used whenever the property is left empty.
String, defines what text shall being used as the prompt identifying the containing interpreter.
A string sequence, this sequence is used to change between the containing interpreter and the chosen slave interpreter.
The default switchcmd is »+-«.
Set where the scrollbars are inserted.
Possible values are: »top«, »bottom«, »left«, »right« and combinations thereof.
Requests additional space above each text line in the widget, using any of the standard forms for screen distances. If a line wraps, this option only applies to the first line on the display. This option may be overridden with -spacing1 options in tags.
For lines that wrap (so that they cover more than one line on the display) this option specifies additional space to provide between the display lines that represent a single line of text. The value may have any of the standard forms for screen distances. This option may be overridden with -spacing2 options in tags.
Requests additional space below each text line in the widget, using any of the standard forms for screen distances. If a line wraps, this option only applies to the last line on the display. This option may be overridden with -spacing3 options in tags.
Specifies a set of tab stops for the window. The option's value consists of a list of screen distances giving the positions of the tab stops. Each position may optionally be followed in the next list element by one of the keywords left, right, center, or numeric, which specifies how to justify text relative to the tab stop. Left is the default; it causes the text following the tab character to be positioned with its left edge at the tab position. Right means that the right edge of the text following the tab character is positioned at the tab position, and center means that the text is centered at the tab position. Numeric means that the decimal point in the text is positioned at the tab position; if there is no decimal point then the least significant digit of the number is positioned just to the left of the tab position; if there is no number in the text then the text is right-justified at the tab position. For example, -tabs {2c left 4c 6c center} creates three tab stops at two-centimeter intervals; the first two use left justification and the third uses center justification. If the list of tab stops does not have enough elements to cover all of the tabs in a text line, then Tk extrapolates new tab stops using the spacing and alignment from the last tab stop in the list. The value of the tabs option may be overridden by -tabs options in tags. If no -tabs option is specified, or if it is specified as an empty list, then Tk uses default tabs spaced every eight (average size) characters.
Specifies how to handle lines in the text that are too long to be displayed in a single line of the text's window. The value must be none or char or word. A wrap mode of none means that each line of text appears as exactly one line on the screen; extra characters that don't fit on the screen are not displayed. In the other modes each line of text will be broken up into several screen lines if necessary to keep all the characters visible. In char mode a screen line break may occur after any character; in word mode a line break will only be made at word boundaries.
String, defines what text shall being used as the prompt identifying the used slave interpreter.
A string substitution »%1$s« may occur in the local prompt string. This format substitution will be expanded with the current interpreter.
Example A.17. Local Prompt
-localprompt {vegetables %1$s :} \ -interp myLocalInterpreter; # Produces the following local prompt inside the # Rtl_shell: vegetables myLocalInterpreter :