Copyright © 2008, 2009 Arndt Roger Schneider
Property Details:
The Gistbox internal listbox. The kind of the internal listbox can be defined prior creation. »listType« is a static property.
The used list type has to implement the Tk listbox interface.
Gistbox can be combined with: Rtl_mlistbox, Hugelist or listbox.
The two buttons in the lower right corner invoke the »minusCommand« or »plusCommand« -scripts after they were pressed.
»plusCommand« is usually mapped to the Gistbox »add« command.
»minusCommand« is usually mapped to the Gistbox »delete« command.
These commands feature their default values. Only, redefine these properties, when an unconventional behavior is required.
See the documentation of 'listbox' and 'Rtl_mlistbox' to learn more about »-selectmode« .
a variable containing the Gistbox data.
Default value is ::GISTBOX
A command. The »notify« command is called after the contents changed.
Use the Option Database property »button« to substitute the button type inside the Gistbox.