Copyright © 2008, 2009 Arndt Roger Schneider
»ihighlightTchickness« and »ihighlightBackground« create a frame around the internal listbox and entry.
»ihighlightThickness« is dedicated to AQUA®. The »solid« relief in Tcl/Tk is currently black and should be »gray57« under AQUA®.
set »ihighlightThickness« to »1« and »ihighlightBackground« to »gray57« under AQUA®; otherwise don’t use the ihighlight properties.
Not used.
Set »ihighlightBackground« to »gray57« under AQUA®. Otherwise don’t use this property.
See also »ihighlightThickness«.
Specifies the name of a variable. The value of the variable is a list to be displayed inside the widget; if the variable value changes then the widget will automatically update itself to reflect the new value. Attempts to assign a variable with an invalid list value to -variable will cause an error. Attempts to unset a variable in use as a -variable will fail but will not generate an error.
»plusCommand« is usually mapped to the Gistbox »add« command.
»minusCommand« is usually mapped to the Gistbox »delete« command.
A command. The »notify« command is called after the contents changed.
»iborderWidth« and »irelief« define the internal border around the entry and listbox windows.
The internal listbox. The kind of the internal listbox can be defined prior creation. listType is a static property.
The used list must conform to the Tk listbox interface.
Rtl_mlistbox, hugelist or listbox can be used.