Copyright © 2008, 2009 Arndt Roger Schneider
The procedure template creates a Runtime Library based template.
Example 9.2. …continued rtl::template Structure
# Template window Structure (used by # the interface): variable w array set w { 0 {} 1 .first 2 .second 3. first.third ... } # to be continued with implementation…
The windowing hierarchy ... notice there is no main window $base or $base$w(0). The base window was created by »rtl::template«!
Example 9.3. …continued rtl::template Implementation
rtl::template sample { frame $base$w(1) -borderwidth 0 frame $base$w(2) -background red button $base$w(3) -text Sample pack $base$w(3) pack $base$w(2) -side bottom pack $base$w(1) -side top } } ;# end of namespace sample
The above Example 9.2, “…continued rtl::template Structure” to Example 9.3, “…continued rtl::template Implementation” shows a complete template definition. »template« creates a procedure named »sample« inside the namespace »sample« , which contains the structure of the new template.
The created template is then used in the usual way.