Copyright © 2008, 2009 Arndt Roger Schneider
-select option. Set and get current selection.
String character, defines how a set of raw entries are related to each other. The »-char« is used to transform these raw data into a hierarchical representation, which can be digested by the rtl_tree window.
Example A.11. Rtl_tree Char Transformation
rtl_tree .tree -char : # Insert nodes: # Assume, images: »a«, »b« and »c«. foreach node { :a :b :c :a:b :a:c :b:c :a:b:c } { .tree insert $node \ -text $node \ -image [lindex [split $node :] end] }
Default value is /.
The default »-type« for rtl_tree items. The »-type« property can be omitted for the default type.
Dimension, defines the minimal distance in vertical direction between two neighboring nodes.
Boolean value, defines that the rtl_tree has a single root node (origin).
Boolean value, defines that each child node is visually connected with its parent node.
Call back command, this Tcl-script is called whenever a context menu is displayed, posted.
format string, defines the text format for each node name. Default value is »%s«, the node name.
Boolean value, nodes can be selected by clicking on their attributes.
Call back command, the script »-selectfcn« is whenever a node or leaf is selected.
call back command, the »-openfcn« script is called in response to a double-click-left event on a tree node. The assumed purpose for this action is it to parse the affected tree-branch.
Boolean value, activates drag-and-drop inside the rtl_tree window.
The »-dragfcn« call back command is called after a drag-and-drop operation is completed.
Boolean value, disallow the multi selection for items of different type.
Set where the scrollbars are inserted.
Possible values are: »top«, »bottom«, »left«, »right« and combinations thereof.