Copyright © 2008, 2009 Arndt Roger Schneider
Integer value, amount of listbox columns.
List of column dimensions.
The rtl_mlistbox in Example A.6, “Listbox Dimensions” has two columns the first column is 333 pixel and the last column 222 pixel width.
Call back command, this script is evaluated in response to a double-click event onto the rtl_mlistbox.
call back command. This script is evaluated, whenever a drag operation begins.
Call back command. This script is evaluated, whenever a drag operation commences.
call back command. This script is evaluated, whenever a drag operation ends.
List of strings. The string values of »-headings« is used for the header row. It contains the descriptions for the columns.
List of anchor definitions. Defines how the column headers are aligned. Possible values are »e«, »center« and »w«.
Boolean value. Allows to interactively resize the columns inside the rtl_mlistbox.
Call back Tcl Command,called each time a selection in the rtl_mlistbox is done. Calling rtl_mlistbox widget and selected line index are appended to call.
The internal listbox. The kind of the internal listbox can be defined prior creation. listType is a static property.
The used list must conform to the Tk listbox interface.
Rtl_mlistbox, hugelist or listbox can be used.
A color. »-gridColor« is used for vertical and horizontal lines inside the window.
Boolean value. This rtl_mlistbox accepts drag-and-drop for single selection.
Only rtl_mlistbox windows with »-selectMode« set to »single« support drag-and-drop.
Boolean value. A »-sortable« rtl_mlistbox allows the sorting of columns.
Call back command. Registers what command has to be evaluated in response to a sort operation.
See also »-sortable«.
Menu window path name. This menu is posted in response to a right-click (context) on the header row.
Boolean value. Allows individual colors for the contained columns.