Copyright © 2008, 2009 Arndt Roger Schneider
As with Gstripes in general, Rtl_gridwin uses »adjustCommand« and »stripesCommand« to draw the background. A background frame »borderFrame« is added to the Rtl_gridwin structure to create the visible border –Under AQUA® with the »borderColor« set to gray57.
»adjustCommand« has an additional purpose inside a Rtl_gridwin: To inform Gstripes to redraw an eventual altered focus ring in response to a geometry change (The same applies for the Rtl_combobox; see the section called “Rtl_combobox ”).
The actual layout of a striped Rtl_gridwin is definable through the Option Database, too.
Example 6.21. The default layout for Rtl_gridwin
# The pre-defined settings for a Rtl_gridwin. # Alter these settings as you see fit. option add \ *Rtl_gridwin.borderFrame.gradient \ white option add \ *Rtl_gridwin.borderFrame.opacity \ 1.0 option add \ *Rtl_gridwin.borderFrame.borderColor \ gray57 option add \ *Rtl_gridwin.borderFrame.borderOpacity \ 1.0 option add \ *Rtl_gridwin.borderFrame.borderWidth 1 option add \ *Rtl_gridwin.borderFrame.radius 0 option add \ *Rtl_gridwin.borderFrame.lower 0
»adjustCommand« is used to recreate the focus ring after a resize operation was enacted. See Example 6.20, “An adjustCommand for Rtl_gridwin”.
The Rtl_combobox is very similar to a Rtl_gridwin and uses »adjustCommand« likewise.
Using Gstripes for the resize handles let them fade into white space. Preserving their resize capability.
Rtlysizer and Rtlxsizer do not adjust their stripes after a resize operation.
The package aquahead can be used to inject a striped checkbutton group into the Rtl_mlistbox. The header-row alone is affected by aquahead .
Loading the package aquahead is enough to make the column headers AQUA® compliant.
The above statement defines the visual representation of a Rtl_tabset. The selected tab mirrors the white space of the managed window. If the managed window features a radial gradient running through the entire dialog, then the selected tab should display the very same gradient. Clipping is required to implement such a Rtl_tabset, which is currently not possible with vanilla Tk nor with TkPath. The package gtabset contains a compromise toward such a tabset and activates highlight management for individual tabs.