
Example 8.1. Using Rtlysizer

# .dialog is the window to be layouted
# dialog must use »grid«.
rtlysizer .dialog.ysize \
            -background red \
                -height 2

In the above Example 8.1, “Using Rtlysizer” an horizontal resize line is created in row »0« with orientation »esw«.

Example 8.2. Using Vertical and Horizontal Together

toplevel .top -class Layout
grid [frame .top.f1 -width 50] \
            -column 0  -row 0 -sticky news \
              -padx 3 -pady 3

grid [frame .top.f2 -height 50 \
            -background gray] \
         -column 1     -row 0 -rowspan 2 \
         -sticky news -padx 3    -pady 3

grid [frame .top.f3 -width 50 \
            -background black] \
         -column 0  -row 1 -sticky news \
           -padx 3 -pady 3

grid columnconfigure .top 0 -minsize 100
grid rowconfigure .top 0 -minsize 50
grid rowconfigure .top 1 \
          -minsize 50 -weight 1
grid columnconfigure .top 1 \
          -minsize 50 -weight 1

rtlysizer .top.r0 -background red -height 3
rtlxsizer .top.c0 -background blue -width 3

Figure 8.2. Rtlysizer and Rtlxsizer Sample

Rtlysizer and Rtlxsizer Sample

Figure 8.3. After Top resize

After Top resize

Figure 8.4. Internal Resize

Internal Resize