Copyright © 2008, 2009 Arndt Roger Schneider
All Runtime Library templates can be converted into Scaleable Vector Graphics, thanks to their implementation in Tcl. In some instances gstripes, from the Gestalt Items, is used for the Scaleable Vector Graphics conversion. Please see Gestalt Items, gstripes. The generated Scaleable Vector Graphics can then being edited with conventional vector graphics software and embedded into HTML or PDF.
FOP the FO-Processor, a java® application, converts Scaleable Vector Graphics into PDF or prints it as a vector graphics –resolution independent.
This book contains Scaleable Vector Graphics screen-shots inside the manual pages of: Figure A.3, “rtl_tree”, Figure A.2, “rtl_mlistbox using hugelist” and Figure A.1, “rtl_tabset”.
toplevel, creates a floating composite window from the template.
frame, create an embedded composite window from the template.
ttk::frame, creates an embedded, themed composite window from the template
.Composites are also allowed as creators, below is such a composite for a themed floating window:
proc ttk::toplevel { window args } { eval [list ::tk::toplevel $window] $args # use a ttk::frame for themed floating windows. place [frame $w.themed] -bordermode ignore \ -x 0 -y 0 -relwidth 1 -relheight 1 # but return the toplevel! return $window }
rtl_makeFont .fontpicker -creator ttk::toplevel
The Runtime Library contains a simplified way to create new composite windows as explained in the section called “rtl::template”.